Seyon Migration

Ireland’s Talent Magnet: Critical Skills Program Unveiled


Did you know that Ireland has launched an exciting program to address the growing labor shortfall? The Critical Skills Employment Permit program aims to attract and retain highly skilled professionals from all over the world. This program is different from standard work permits because it focuses on drawing qualified individuals in fields that are in dire need of them. 

The Critical Skill Employment Permit is a program that helps skilled workers fill gaps in the Irish labor market. It offers a chance for highly qualified professionals to explore promising careers in Ireland. Applicants can check the Critical Skills Occupation List to see which professions are required. The program waives language competency requirements, expedites work visa applications, and provides accommodations for workers and their families.

About the Program

You can get a work visa without taking the IELTS exam. Ireland is family-friendly and easy for international workers to assimilate.

The program offers several advantages, including: 

– Fast-tracked processing for immediate work permits
– No language test required
– Family-friendly program with spouse work permits available
– Exempt from labor market testing with Critical Skills Employment Permit

The Critical Skills Employment Permit is attractive for several reasons: 

– Labor market needs test not required for skills in low supply
– Permit holders can apply for immediate family reunification through Irish Naturalization and Immigration Service
– Dependent, partner, or spouse employment permit currently free of charge
– After Critical Skills Employment Permit tenure, holders can apply to live and work without a permit.

Criteria for Eligibility 

When evaluating applications for Critical Skills Employment Permits, the Department of Enterprise, Trade, and Employment looks at several factors, such as a job offer from a legitimate employer who is based in Ireland, trade there, and is registered with the Revenue Commissioners and, if relevant, the Companies Registration Office/Register of Friendly Societies. 

A Critical Skills Employment Permit’s eligibility is mostly based on the kind of job and the anticipated salary level. 

The following are eligible: 

– A relevant degree qualification or higher is required for certain jobs listed in the Critical Skills Employment List
– The minimum annual income for these jobs is €38,000
– Nurses and midwives must have a third-level degree or diploma approved by the Nursing and Midwifery Board of Ireland
– Jobs with a minimum yearly salary of over €64,000 are eligible for non-EEA nationals, with required experience even without a degree
– The potential employer must have extended a two-year job offer for the relevant occupation.

Application Process 

Employment permit applications must be submitted 12 weeks before the start date. Use the Employment Permits Online System for Critical Skills Employment Permit applications. Check the User Guide and required documentation. Use the Critical Skills Employment Permit Checklist to prepare.

Looking forward to getting more information on the migration program Call or WhatsApp us 00974 4493 4528

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