Portugal is a country that has one of the most open immigration policies in Europe. The Portuguese government has encouraged the influx of immigrants, especially South Asians, to work in farming, fishing, and restaurants. The country has seen its foreign-born population double in the last five years, partially due to the socialist government’s policies.
Portugal’s laws are not perfect, but they are better than many other countries with regressive policies. The country grants papers to all those who declare their earnings, and in 2018, the socialist government extended this to those who had entered the country illegally. A new amendment in 2022 allowed foreigners looking for work a temporary six-month visa.
The foreign workforce has helped revive areas that were badly hit by the flight from the land, such as the agricultural Alentejo region. Immigrants are quickly absorbed into the legal economy, paying taxes and social charges straight away, which has prevented people smuggling tragedies that have happened elsewhere and migrants living under constant fear of expulsion.
The influx of workers has been encouraged by the socialist government, which has been in power since the end of 2015. However, this could all change if the country shifts to the right after the March 10 general election.
With an aging population, Portugal needs immigrants. The country has become a destination for immigrants since the turn of the 21st century, with foreigners from Brazil, the UK, and other European countries making up the largest contingents. However, the number of Indians and Nepalis has surpassed people from Portugal’s former African colonies like Angola and Cape Verde. Bangladeshis and Pakistanis now also figure in the top ten of new arrivals.
Portugal’s laws have prevented trafficking networks in the Alentejo region, but they haven’t stopped people from making money on the back of human misery. The Portuguese government has extended its generosity to those who want to work and live in the country legally, and the influx of foreign workers has brought life back to areas that were losing their people.
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